
SUSE 安装使用levelDB


1,官网下载leveldb 我的是 leveldb-1.13.0  安装省。

2,PHP下下载源码生成leveldb.so 配置php.ini 重起apache/nginx

/ php-m 查看是否安装成功



$options = array(
‘create_if_missing’ => true, // if the specified database didn’t exist will create a new one
‘error_if_exists’ => false, // if the opened database exsits will throw exception
‘paranoid_checks’ => false,
‘block_cache_size’ => 8 * (2 << 20),
‘write_buffer_size’ => 4<<20,
‘block_size’ => 4096,
‘max_open_files’ => 1000,
‘block_restart_interval’ => 16,
‘comparator’ => NULL, // any callable parameter which returns 0, -1, 1
/* default readoptions */
$readoptions = array(
‘verify_check_sum’ => false,
‘fill_cache’ => true,
‘snapshot’ => null

/* default write options */
$writeoptions = array(
‘sync’ => false
* Basic operate methods: set(), get(), delete()
//$db->put(“Key”, “Value is vale”);
$db->set(“Key2”, “Value2”); // set() is an alias of put()
$batch = new LevelDBWriteBatch();
$batch->put(“key2”, “batch value”);
$batch->put(“key3”, “batch value”);
$batch->set(“key4”, “a bounch of values”); // set() is an alias of put()
$batch->delete(“some key”);

// Write once
echo ‘<br/>’;


官方说每秒40W/S 吞吐量,稍后补充使用性能情况

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